Travel | Vacation at home

The staycation, being a tourist at home

September 16, 2017

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Last week I was pondering on what it meant to live a life you don’t need a vacation from. How can Vacation Tammy flourish at home? What can I learn from my vacations? How can I change my normal one trip at a time? I want to adopt my vacation lifestyle into my everyday, as much as I can. A different kind of souvenir.

Part of what I love most about traveling is exploring the area I’m visiting. Seeing the sites. It could be ruins in Greece, rice terraces in the Philippines, cities in Europe, or rain forests and beaches in the Caribbean. I want to see it all…or as much as our annual vacations afford us.
Ruins in Greece

Banaue rice terraces in the Philippines

Paris, France

Barbados beach

It’s not about completing a travel bucket list. It’s about marvelling at the beauty and diversity of this amazing world.

It’s easy to overlook where you live. Or at least I find it is. I see it every day. What is amazing and diverse to someone from afar can be humdrum or taken for granted by those who live there.

Why would anyone want to come here? But they do. Cruise ships, backpackers, and bus tours. They see something my local eyes gloss over.

The staycation

Staycations are vacations taken in your own home country instead of traveling abroad. They can also refer to day trips taken from home. Being a tourist in your own town, so to speak.

I am Canadian. More than that, I am a Maritimer.

I have visited most of my home country. And I can tell you that there is nothing like the east coast, the Atlantic provinces. As much as I take where I live for granted, there is no other place in Canada I would rather live.

The maritimes is full of that amazing beauty and diversity in this world I was talking about. Fishing villages and culture, a young but interesting history, French and Irish heritages, amazing coast line hikes, four distinct seasons, and so much more.

Lobster Cove Head, Newfoundland, Canada

I think Vacation Tammy needs to reacquaint herself with it.

Have you explored your own home? Looked at it through the eyes of a visitor? If not, maybe it’s just the thing you need to bring vacation home.

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  1. This is a great reminder to love the place we live. There is such beauty in where I live, which is easily forgotten because of the other places in the world. Thanks for reminding me to treasure what’s around me 🙂

  2. I totally agree! I have articles about similar things: staycations and living a life you don’t need a vacation from. I never thought of a staycation as travelling domestically! That’s a new and interesting perspective. Travelling your home turf is definitely important. It’s great to get to know other areas, but it’s just as great to see what’s close to home.

  3. This is one of my favourite posts so far!!! I love where I live and enjoy showing it off. So many hidden treasures and little details people walk by everyday. We need to play tourist together.

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